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Liberty, Missouri & USPS
Egg Production Team
Cheep Cheep! Our team of Silkie Bantam, Buff Orpington, Rhode Island Red, and Black and Silver Laced Wyandotte chickens is excited to work alongside the Bambini amici to produce high quality eggs for use in the kitchen with Ms. Leslie and friends! Living on our beautiful nature play yard, the amici care for us and our space, learning to respect and value nature and animals in their environment and understand the ways that we can interact with and benefit each other! Join us on outdoor adventures and play along to see if you can remember our names!
See you all in the coop!
Jean Louise, Oreo, Fudge, Brownie, Gabby, Honeysuckle, Alvie, Sargeant Fluff, Pearl, Indigo, Penny and Buttercup
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